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Impact of mentoring on socio-emotional and mental health outcomes of youth with learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Apr 26, 2019

Haft SL, et al. - For the first time, a near-peer mentoring program for youth with learning disabilities (LD)/attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) intended to promote socio-emotional well-being was assessed. Researchers compared youth with LD/ADHD who participated in the mentoring program (Mentored; n = 99) to both nonmentored youth with LD/ADHD (Control-NM; n = 51) and typically developing youth without LD/ADHD (Control-TD; n = 81) prementoring in the fall and postmentoring in the spring. Findings revealed significantly higher scores of depression and significantly lower scores of interpersonal relations among youth with LD/ADHD vs the Control-TD group at fall baseline. The Mentored group showed a significant decrease and increase in the depression and self-esteem scores, respectively, after mentoring. Mentee-perceived mentorship quality was identified influencing these changes. They noted significant decreases in both self-esteem and interpersonal relations and increases in depression over time in the Control-NM group, while across all measures, the Control-TD group stayed stable.

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