Impact of jaw location on clinical and radiological status of dental implants placed in cigarette-smokers and never-smokers: 5-year follow-up results
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Oct 26, 2018
Al-Aali KA, et al. - In cigarette-smokers and never-smokers, researchers assessed the effect of jaw location on clinical and radiological status of dental-implant therapy. They assessed 29 self-reported cigarette-smokers and 27 nonsmokers. The respective mean ages of cigarette-smokers and never-smokers were 44.5 years and 43.6 years with 20.3 years (17-26 years) being the average duration of cigarette-smoking. Probing-depth (PD) and crestal bone loss (CBL) around dental implants were significantly higher in smokers vs non-smokers. As per data, this association was independent of site of implant placement and jaw location. Among cigarette-smokers and never-smokers, CBL, PD, and bleeding-on-probing demonstrated no statistically significant differences in the 3 zones of implant location.
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