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Impact of different intraoperative CO2 pressure levels (8 and 15 mmHg) during laparoscopic hysterectomy performed due to benign uterine pathologies on postoperative pain and arterial pCO2: A prospective randomised controlled clinical trial

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jun 04, 2019

Radosa JC, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective randomized controlled study of 178 female patients undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign uterine pathologies in order to assess how two different intraoperative CO2 pressures (8 and 15 mmHg) influence the postoperative abdominal and shoulder pain, laparoscopy-mediated vegetative alterations, pain medication requirement, arterial CO2 pressure (pCO2), surgical parameters and safety, in these patients. Outcomes revealed significantly lower postoperative abdominal and shoulder pain scores, less vegetative alterations, lower pain medication requirements, a shorter postoperative hospitalisation and lower intra - and postoperative arterial pCO2 values among patients in the low-pressure group (LP; 8 mmHg, experimental; n = 91) vs the standard pressure group (SP; 15 mmHg; n = 87). The groups did not differ in intra - and postoperative complications.
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