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Impact of dental cement on the peri-implant biofilm-microbial comparison of two different cements in an in vivo observational study

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Aug 24, 2018

Korsch M, et al. - Researchers conducted an observational study in order to investigate the impact of two different cements on the peri-implant biofilm and inflammation. They revised the suprastructures of 34 patients with cemented fixed implant-supported restorations. A methacrylate cement (Premier Implant cement [PIC]) was used in 20 patients and a zinc oxide eugenol cement (Temp Bond [TB]) was used in 14 patients. In 12 (60%) of the 20 patients with PIC, excess cement was found. Two (25%) implants with PIC without excess cement (PIC−) and all 12 (100%) implants with PIC and excess cement (PIC+) had suppuration. Neither excess cement nor suppuration was evident in implants cemented with TB. They identified that revision and recementation with TB had a positive effect on the peri-implant biofilm in cases with PIC. This suggests that consideration should be given to the cementation of suprastructures on implants with TB as an alternative method.
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