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Impact of curcumin supplementation on expression of inflammatory transcription factors in hemodialysis patients: A pilot randomized, double-blind, controlled study

Clinical Nutrition Mar 19, 2020

Alvarenga L, Salarolli R, Cardozo LFMF, et al. - Researchers performed this double-blind randomized pilot investigation among 31 hemodialysis (HD) patients, to assess how the expression of inflammatory transcription factors in these patients could be influenced by the intake of curcumin juice. Two groups of patients were defined: curcumin group and control group. Participants in the curcumin group received 100 mL of orange juice with 12g of carrot and 2.5g of turmeric following each dialysis session/week for 3 months, and those in the control group received the same juice without curcumin. The study was completed by 14 patients in each arm. Findings revealed reduced markers of inflammation, nuclear factor kappa-B mRNA expression and high sensitivity C-reactive protein, as a consequence of 3 months treatment with curcumin in CKD patients undergoing HD. This indicates a possible anti-inflammatory effect of oral supplementation of curcumin in this patient population.

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