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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on uveitis patients receiving immunomodulatory and biological therapies (COPE STUDY)

British Journal of Ophthalmology Oct 07, 2020

Agarwal AK, Sudharshan S, Mahendradas P, et al. - Researchers conducted this national multicentric prospective case series to assess the change in the ongoing immunomodulatory (IMT) and biological therapies among patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU), and determine the number of uveitis relapses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data of patients with NIU receiving corticosteroids, systemic IMT and/or biological agents have been analyzed. The sample consisted of 176 patients (284 eyes) with NIU (mean age: 33±17.1 years; males: 68). In total, 121 eyes (90 patients) were deemed to have active NIU. Uveitis specialists may tend to reduce the ongoing systemic IMT during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, or prefer less aggressive NIU treatment strategies. Such individuals may be at high risk of relapse of uveitis.

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