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Impact of compression stockings on leg swelling after arthroscopy – A prospective randomized pilot study

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 15, 2019

Tischer TS, et al. - In this single-center, randomized controlled trial, investigators estimated the impact of class II compression stockings (23-32 mmHg) (CS) vs no compression stockings (NCS) on post-operative swelling and pain in the early postoperative phase of knee arthroscopy. They observed significant differences around the knee (cD) at day 10 and a significant trend at cD as well as at the mid-lower leg (cB1) on day 4. They also recorded varied volume of the thigh with a marked difference between days 1 and 4 between the two groups [volume + 0.54 ± 2.03% (CS) and + 4.17 ± 4.67 (NCS)]. They suggested a reduction in post-operative limb swelling significantly by wearing compression stockings in the early post-operative phase with an optimal duration of compression therapy between three and ten days.
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