Impact of chronic kidney disease on long-term clinical outcomes of everolimus-eluting stent implantation: A subanalysis of the Tokyo-MD PCI registry
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Jul 09, 2019
Miyazaki T, et al. - In this subanalysis of the Tokyo-MD PCI study [a multi-center observational study reporting clinical results of unselected patients post-everolimus-eluting stent (EES) implantation], researchers determined how 5-year clinical outcomes of EES implantation were influenced by chronic kidney disease (CKD). Participants of this present study included patients with (n = 316) or without (n = 1,424) CKD, excluding those on maintenance hemodialysis. Patients with CKD exhibited significantly higher cardiac death and major adverse cardiac event (MACE), compared with those without CKD. CKD was identified as an independent predictor of MACE in multivariate analysis. Ischemia driven target lesion revascularization and stent thrombosis rates in patients with CKD were similar to those reported in patients without CKD at 5 years following EES implantation. In this study, the risk of long-term MACEs seemed to be related to CKD.
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