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Impact of body mass index on 30-day postoperative morbidity in pediatric and adolescent patients undergoing continent urinary tract reconstruction

Journal of Pediatric Urology Jun 25, 2019

Strine AC, et al. - Through a retrospective cohort study conducted on 182 pediatric and adolescent patients of up to 20 years of age who underwent a continent urinary tract reconstruction, the researchers assessed their weight status and ascertained the association between obesity (consistently associated with an increased risk of surgical site infections and wound complications in adults post surgeries) and 30-day postoperative morbidity. No relation between the non-overweight or non-obese group and the overweight or obese group in the analysis was found. Almost 30% were found overweight or obese in the population of pediatric and adolescent patients who underwent a continent urinary tract reconstruction. No correlation between obesity and 30-day postoperative morbidity as concluded by body mass index was observed.
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