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Impact of BMI on exacerbation and medical care expenses in subjects with mild to moderate airflow obstruction

International Journal of COPD Aug 02, 2018

Jo YS, et al. - In view of the increasing rate of obesity in Asia, researchers assessed its clinical impact on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) outcomes while focusing on the risk of exacerbation, health-care utilization, and medical costs. From 2007 to 2012, 43,864 subjects registered in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey database were examined, and the data of COPD patients who had mild to moderate airflow obstruction (n=1,320) was linked to National Health Insurance (NHI) data. Outcomes suggested a negative influence of lower weight on the prognosis of COPD with mild to moderate airflow obstruction, as well as higher health-care utilization and medical expenses, however, higher body mass index (BMI) displayed no significant link to worse outcomes.

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