Impact of acute kidney injury in expanded criteria deceased donors on post-transplant clinical outcomes: Multicenter cohort study
BMC Nephrology Feb 10, 2019
Park WY, et al. - In this study including 509 kidney transplantation (KT) recipients receiving kidneys from 386 deceased donors (DDs), researchers determined the influence of acute kidney injury (AKI) on post-transplant clinical outcomes for deceased donor kidney transplantation (DDKT) using standard criteria donors (SCDs) vs expanded criteria donors (ECDs), which were divided into the AKI-KT or non-AKI-KT subgroups according to AKI in donor. Within SCD-KT and ECD-KT groups, higher incidence of delayed allograft function was reported when the donors had AKI. Compared with the non-AKI-ECD-KT subgroup, a more significant chronic change was observed in allograft biopsies within 3 months in the AKI-ECD-KT subgroup, however, it did not differ between AKI-SCD-KT and non-AKI-SCD-KT group. Compared with the other three groups, higher risk for death-censored allograft failure was observed in the AKI-ECD-KT. Findings revealed a significant interaction between AKI in donors and ECD on the allograft outcome.
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