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Immune-unreactive urinary albumin as a predictor of cardiovascular events: The Hortega Study

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation May 21, 2018

Martinez F, et al. - Researchers investigated a possible link between immune-unreactive albumin excretion (IURAE) and cardiovascular (CV) events in a representative sample of a general population from Spain. They estimated fully adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) of CV incidence by Cox regression for immune-reactive albumin excretion (IRAE), IURAE and total albumin excretion (AE) in subjects (mean age ± standard error 48.0 ± 0.2 years, 48% females), who participated in the Hortega Follow-Up Study. They carried out an average at-risk follow-up of 13 years, at the end of which 172 CV events were reported. Findings demonstrated an association of IRAE, IURAE and AE with an increased risk for CV events. A better prognostic assessment was provided by IRAE.
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