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Immediate loading of two unsplinted implants in edentulous patients with mandibular overdentures: A 10-year retrospective review of patients from a previously conducted 1-year cohort study

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Feb 12, 2019

Rignon-Bret C, et al. - In this 10-year retrospective study, researchers estimated 43 edentulous subjects (wearing satisfactory maxillary and mandibular dentures for at least 3 months) with mean age 61 ± 11.4 years to describe the implant-bone variations after a mandibular immediate loading protocol using 2 ball attachments. Using a surgical template and a torque greater than 40 Ncm, they placed 2 interforaminal implants (Branemark system, Nobel Biocare) symmetrically in the anterior mandible. They observed 3 out of 86 implants failed during the healing phase (survival rate of 96.5%). They also found the mean radiographic bone loss: 0.27 ± 0.35 mm at 3 months after surgery, 0.47 ± 0.42 mm after 1 year, and 0.95 ± 0.98 mm after 10 years. Conclusively, they found such protocol of immediate loading of 2 unsplinted mandibular implants in overdenture cases, a clinically significant therapy with a high implant success rate and enhanced satisfaction.
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