Immediate function dental implants inserted with less than 30 N·cm of torque in full-arch maxillary rehabilitations using the All-on-4 concept: Retrospective study
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery May 10, 2018
Malo P, et al. - Experts assessed the short-term implant success rate and marginal bone loss in full-arch fixed prosthetic maxillary rehabilitations supported by implants in immediate function with the All-on-4 treatment concept placed with insertion torque of <30 N·cm or ≥30 N·cm. Findings suggested that at 1-year comparable success rates and marginal bone loss could be rendered by implants with insertion torques of <30 N·cm compared to implants inserted with insertion torques of ≥30 N·cm. At the patient level, the cumulative implant success rate was 97.5%, and for implants inserted with <30 N·cm it was 98.3% and 97.5% for implants inserted with ≥30 N·cm.
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