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Immediate and short term effects of values-based interventions on paranoia

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Aug 02, 2019

Evans N, Ellet L, Carpenter R, et al. -Researchers examined how paranoia is affected immediately and in the short term (2-weeks) by the implementation of two values-based interventions vs a non-values control. In addition, they sought for the moderating effect of self-esteem. They randomized 171 non-clinical adults to a value-affirmation and goals task (VAG: clarifying and reflecting on core values and setting value-based goals; n = 57), a value-affirmation task (VA: clarifying and reflecting on core values without setting value-based goals; n = 57), or a non-affirmation control task (NAC; n = 57). Participants were assessed for paranoia at baseline (T1), post-intervention (T2), and 2 weeks post-intervention (T3). Measurement of self-esteem was done at baseline. They identified significantly lower state paranoia scores at T3 among VAG participants vs VA and NAC participants. Individuals with low self-esteem may benefit most with this intervention.

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