Ignore the patella in revision total knee surgery: A minimum 5-year follow-up with patella component retention
Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 15, 2019
Shield WP, et al. - Researchers evaluated a common question is what should be done with the earlier resurfaced patella in a series of aseptic revision total knee arthroplasties (RTKA). They observed 147 RTKA in 137 subjects of mean age 70.1 ± 9.3 years where the patella was not revised. They noted that 13 cases died whereas 2 patients were lost to follow-up leaving 122 candidates and 130 knees available for review at the final follow-up. No reoperations on any patella and none at risk of failure were reported at the final follow-up. They noticed 6 knees with a lateral patella tilt beyond 10°, but none were subluxed. At final follow-up, they found that Knee Society Scores averaged 85 ± 17.2 points. Despite the presence of mild patella polyethylene wear and mismatched shapes in several knees, they did not obtain subsequent failures of the patella in the group of RTKA where the patella was not revised at midterm follow-up.
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