IgA nephropathy susceptibility loci and disease progression
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 13, 2018
Shi M, et al. - Considering the identification of at least 20 susceptibility loci of IgA nephropathy in genome-wide association studies, researchers investigated the association of these loci with disease progression. They identified a four-single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) model, rs11150612 (ITGAM-ITGAX), rs7634389 (ST6GAL1), rs2412971 (HORMAD2), and rs2856717 (HLA-DQ/DR), as the best predictive model. Findings revealed an independent association of the four-SNP genetic risk score with IgA nephropathy progression. The performance of clinical and clinical–pathologic risk models could be enhanced via corroborating the genetic risk score.
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