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Identification of risk factors for postpartum urinary retention following vaginal deliveries: A retrospective case-control study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 16, 2019

Lamblin G, Chene G, Aeberli C, et al. - Researchers sought for risk factors for postpartum urinary retention (PUR), an uncommon complication of vaginal delivery that is defined as a failure to void spontaneously in the six hours following vaginal birth. At the Women and Children’s University Hospital in Lyon, France, they conducted this retrospective, comparative, case-control study comprising two groups of 96 patients who delivered vaginally. In the first group, patients with postpartum urinary retention were included and in the second group, without PUR, they included randomly selected patients, respecting 1:1 matching criteria, paired according to the year of delivery and patient’s age at delivery. As per logistic regression analysis, independent risk factors associated with PUR were instrumental delivery (OR 13.42, 95%CI [3.34;53.86]), absence of spontaneous voiding before leaving the delivery room (OR 6.14, 95%CI [2.56;14.73]), no intact perineum (OR 3.29, 95%CI [1.10;9.90]) and vulvar edema or perineal hematoma (OR 8.05, 95%CI [1.59;40.67]). They emphasize considering these risk factors for PUR as soon as delivery is over in order to implement appropriate management.
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