Identification of 22 novel loci associated with urinary biomarkers of albumin, sodium, and potassium excretion
Kidney International Mar 16, 2019
Zanetti D, et al. - From the UK Biobank, 218,450 (discovery) and 109,166 (replication) unrelated individuals of European ancestry were selected to investigate genetic determinants of urinary biomarkers of albumin, sodium, and potassium excretion, including urinary albumin: creatinine ratio (UACR), urinary potassium: creatinine ratio (UK/UCr), urinary sodium: creatinine ratio (UNa/UCr) and urinary sodium: potassium ratio (UNa/UK). Genome-wide association studies were performed. Possible genes implicated in the regulation of these biomarkers were also investigated. In addition to corroborating several previously established links, 22 novel genome-wide significant associations with urinary biomarkers were identified in this study. In the genetic control of urinary potassium excretion, a possible role of GIPR (potential diabetes drug target) was highlighted. A plausible involvement of NRBP1, a locus associated with gout, in sodium and albumin excretion was also suggested.
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