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Hysterosalpingography may not be reliable in the diagnosis of hydrosalpinx in infertile patients

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Setton R, et al. - Researchers sought the predictive ability of hysterosalpingography (HSG) for the presence of clinically significant hydrosalpinx in patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF). They retrospectively studied a total of 73 patients with infertility who had an HSG performed during their evaluation and who underwent laparoscopy for an abnormal radiologic finding, pelvic pain, or for diagnostic purposes. Observations revealed that radiologists and clinicians varied a widely regarding radiologic interpretation of hydrosalpinx, and there was a wide discrepancy of radiologic findings compared to surgical or pathological diagnosis of hydrosalpinx independent of who is interpreting the HSG. They recommend considering laparoscopy to assess for undetected hydrosalpinx and considering salpingectomy to improve IVF outcomes in the setting of prior failed IVF cycles with good embryo quality.
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