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Hypoperfusion Ratio predicts infarct growth during transfer for thrombectomy

Annals of Neurology Sep 07, 2018

Guenego A, et al. - In this study, researchers tested the premise that automated assessment of collaterals on computed-tomography (CT) perfusion can predict the rate of infarct growth during transfer from a primary to a comprehensive stroke center for endovascular stroke treatment. They identified consecutive patients (N=28) and evaluated their collaterals based on the hypoperfusion intensity ratio (HIR) prior to transfer. A strong association was found between infarct growth rate and HIR. It was noted that patients with an HIR ≥ 0.5 had an 83% probability of significant core growth. On the other hand, patients with HIR < 0.5 had an 88% probability of core stability. The study findings suggested that these preliminary data could guide decision making about whether repeat brain imaging should be performed after transfer to a comprehensive stroke center.

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