Hypoglycaemia was common in acute gastroenteritis in a prospective hospital-based study, but electrolyte imbalances were not
Acta Pediatrica Jun 29, 2018
Qadori M, et al. - Researchers investigated whether there was an association between the severity of acute gastroenteritis and blood test abnormalities. From February 2014 to April 2016, children under five years of age referred for outpatient or inpatient management for gastroenteritis were prospectively recruited. Using Vesikari scores, the severity of gastroenteritis was evaluated. The main finding of this study was that hypoglycaemia was common in acute gastroenteritis. However, major electrolyte disturbances were infrequent. They reported that elevated urea, low bicarbonate and negative base excess had high specificities, but low sensitivities.
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