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Hypoalbuminemia is an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality, postoperative complications, readmission, and reoperation in the operative lower extremity orthopaedic trauma patient

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Jun 01, 2019

Wilson JM, et al. - In order to determine a possible correlation between admission albumin levels and postoperative course in the nongeriatric (younger than 65 years) lower extremity trauma patient, researchers examined surgically managed patients with lower extremity (including pelvis and acetabulum) fracture identified from the ACS-NSQIP database. In nongeriatric, lower extremity orthopaedic trauma patients, acute postoperative course and mortality post-surgical fixation were strongly predicted by hypoalbuminemia. Based on the findings, the inclusion of admission albumin as a routine component of the orthopaedic trauma workup is recommended.
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