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Hypo-high-density lipoproteinemia is associated with preoperative tear size and with postoperative retear in large to massive rotator cuff tears

Arthroscopy May 11, 2020

Park HB, Gwark JY, Kwack BH, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the correlations of specific subtypes of dyslipidemia with increments of preoperative tear size and with structural integrity after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR). Between January 2011 and June 2018, one surgeon’s consecutive ARCR patients were reviewed. Researchers ascertained associated preoperative factors for the increments of tear size and for retear after ARCR, applying logistic regression analysis. P value was set at .05. A total of 502 ARCR patients were included in the study. The evidence suggested that after ARCR, preoperative hypo-HDLemia (HDL< 40mg/dl in males and < 50mg/dl in females) has a significant association with the increments of preoperative tear size, and with retear in large- to massive-sized RCT.

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