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Hyperuricemia and its related histopathological features on renal biopsy

BMC Nephrology Mar 23, 2019

Fan S, et al. - Given that hyperuricemia (HUA) is very common in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is related to an increased risk of cardiovascular events and disease progression, researchers focused on the link between baseline serum uric acid levels and renal histopathological features in 1,070 patients receiving renal biopsy. Using Renal Treatment System (RTS) database, they gained information on baseline features at the time of the kidney biopsy, including age, gender, serum uric acid (UA), glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum creatinine (Cr), urea, albumin (Alb), 24 h urine protein quantitation (24 h-u-pro) and blood pressure (BP). Findings highlighted the prevalence of HUA in CKD. They also found a correlation of serum uric acid level, with clinical renal injury indexes as well as with renal pathology. For segmental glomerulosclerosis and tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis, an independent risk was conferred by HUA.
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