Hyperglycemia as a risk factor for postoperative early wound infection after bicondylar tibial plateau fractures: Determining a predictive model based on four methods
Injury Jul 31, 2019
Rodriguez-Buitrago A, Basem A, Okwumabua E, et al. - Researchers sought for a glucose threshold that could be correlated with an increased risk of early wound infection (ie < 90 days) among patients with isolated bicondylar tibial plateau fractures. They here presented and compared four different methods to predict infection based on glucose values: maximum Preoperative Blood Glucose, Maximum Blood Glucose, Hyperglycemic Index, and Time-Weighted Average Glucose. They performed a retrospective review of medical records of adult patients with an operatively treated isolated bicondylar tibial plateau fracture and at least three glucose measurements during their hospitalization. As per the analysis, having an open fracture was identified to be the most important predictor of infection. The methods presented here did not identified a glucose threshold that would raise the risk of infection in these patients.
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