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Human placental PPAR-γ and SOX-2 expression in serologically proved toxoplasmosis

Parasite Immunology May 08, 2018

Saad MH, et al. - Researchers assessed PPAR-γ and SOX-2 transcription factors expression in placenta according to maternal anti-Toxoplasma gondii serological profile during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. In IgM+ve and IgG rising vs IgG-ve and persistent low groups, significantly higher mean pathological score was detected. Significantly higher PPAR-γ was shown by former groups, however, apparently healthy neonate subgroups demonstrated higher PPAR-γ. SOX-2 was found to be significantly lower in IgM+ve and IgG rising groups. Overall, downregulation of the inflammatory response and establishment of a metabolically permissive cellular environment for Toxoplasma persistence may be achieved via triggering PPAR-γ expression. Placental mesenchymal stem cells pluripotency and neuroectoderm development may be disturbed by low SOX-2.
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