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How many cancer cases and deaths are potentially preventable? Estimates for Australia in 2013

International Journal of Cancer Oct 12, 2017

Wilson LF, et al. - This study was planned to quantify the proportions and numbers of cancer deaths and cases in Australia in 2013 attributable to 20 modifiable factors in eight broad groupings that are established causes of cancer, namely: tobacco smoke (smoking and second-hand), dietary factors (low intake of fruit, non-starchy vegetables and dietary fibre; and high intake of red and processed meat), overweight/obesity, alcohol, physical inactivity, solar ultraviolet radiation, infections (seven agents), and reproductive factors (lack of breastfeeding, menopausal hormone therapy use, combined oral contraceptive use). As per findings, in Australia, about 16,700 cancer deaths and 41,200 cancer cases could be prevented each year if people's exposures to 20 causal factors were aligned with levels recommended to minimise cancer risk.
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