How long does a hip replacement last? A systematic review and meta-analysis of case series and national registry reports with more than 15 years of follow-up
The Lancet Feb 21, 2019
Evans JT, et al. - Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis with a search of MEDLINE and Embase from the start of records to September 12, 2017, to answer the question: how long does a hip replacement last?. Articles reporting 15-year survival of primary, conventional total hip replacement [one of the most common and effective forms of surgery] constructs in osteoarthritis patients were included. Data reported that the 25-year pooled survival of hip replacements from case series was 77·6% and from joint replacement registries was 57·9%. If estimates from national registries are less likely to be biased, patients and surgeons can expect a hip replacement in approximately 58% of patients to last 25 years.
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