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Hospitalised fracture rates amongst patients with chronic kidney disease in Australia using data linkage

Nephrology Nov 24, 2019

Lin R, et al. - By utilizing retrospective observational data obtained using data linkage, researchers analyzed the trends as well as the influence of hospitalised fractures in an Australian population of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. There were overall 149,839 hospitalised patients with CKD, including 9,898 (6.6%) who suffered one or more fractures. Older age, a greater burden of disease as well as similar rates of fracture and related mortality were all found in Australian non-dialysis CKD patients with hospitalised fractures vs international CKD cohorts. Since fracture necessitating hospitalization were related to longer admissions, greater healthcare expenses, lower probability of discharge home and significant mortality, therefore, implications of these are considerable. Treatment algorithms should account for those at greatest risk as fracture prevention in the CKD population grows.
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