Hospital differences in mortality rates after hip fracture surgery in Denmark
Clinical Epidemiology Jul 19, 2019
Kristensen PK, et al. - Given the wide utilization of 30-day mortality after hip fracture when ranking hospital performance, researchers sought to determine the variation in 30-day mortality across hospitals. In addition, they examined the hospital general contextual effect for understanding patient differences in 30-day mortality risk. from the Danish Multidisciplinary Fracture Registry, 60,004 patients aged ≥65 years with an incident hip fracture were identified. The overall 30-day mortality rate of 10% was observed. Strong predictors of 30-day mortality comprised patient characteristics including high sociodemographic risk score, underweight, comorbidity, a subtrochanteric fracture, and living at a nursing home. The 32 hospitals showed variation from 5% to 9% in the adjusted differences between hospital averages in 30-day mortality, indicating only minor hospital differences in 30-day mortality after hip fracture. Findings suggest the necessity for lowering mortality after hip fracture in Denmark but possible interventions should be patient oriented and universal rather than focused on specific hospitals.
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