Hospital-based Emergency Department visits with periapical abscess: Updated estimates from 7 years
Journal of Endodontics Mar 01, 2019
Rampa S, et al. - In this retrospective analysis of the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) for 2008 to 2014, authors examined 3,505,633 Emergency Department (ED) cases to assess the influence of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on ED utilization for a periapical abscess (PA). They found an incline from 460,260 in 2008 to 545,693 in 2014 in the proportion of ED visits with PA. They recorded $1080.50, mean charge per PA-related ED visit. The total PA-related ED charge across the US was estimated $3.4 billion. They observed that a large dimension of ED visits with PA was covered by those who were Medicaid and uninsured. They concluded no reduction in the number of ED visits with PA with the passing of the ACA.
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