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Home and facility haemodialysis patients: A comparison of outcomes in a matched cohort

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Dec 22, 2020

Yeung EK, et al. - Given that home haemodialysis (HHD) was earlier exclusively provided to younger patients with few comorbidities, but growing numbers of older patients are being managed with HHD because of rising burden of end-stage kidney disease alongside an ageing population, therefore, researchers re-assessed survival as well as associated results in the context of this epidemiological shift. They compared HHD and facility haemodialysis patients in terms of all-cause death, transplantation, average biochemical values and graft survival 6 months after transplant. A significantly decreased risk of death was observed in relation to HHD vs facility HD patients, following adjustment for BMI, smoking status, racial group, and comorbidities. Overall, findings showed that patients on home vs facility dialysis had improved survival outcomes, but the observed rates of transplantation, graft survival and biochemical control were comparable.

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