HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (Statins) and acute kidney injury: A secondary analysis of RENAL study outcomes
Nephrology May 10, 2019
Wang AY, et al. - Researchers used the RENAL (Randomised Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level Replacement Therapy) study cohort comprising 1508 participants who needed dialysis in ICU, to examine the link of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) with all-cause mortality in these subjects with acute kidney injury (AKI), by using multivariate Cox modelling. Statin therapy at baseline was received by 187 (12.8%) of 1462 participants with the available data on statin usage. No significant associations of statin use with mortality at both day 28 and day 90 were revealed in multivariable analysis. Findings revealed no link between baseline statin use and mortality in the RENAL study cohort. Statins did not have a protective role in ICU patients with severe AKI.
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