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History of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular biomarkers are associated with 30-day mortality in patients with hip fracture

Osteoporosis International Jul 10, 2019

Norring-Agerskov D, et al. - Through the Danish National Patient Registry used in a nationwide population-based cohort study of 113,211 subjects, experts examined the correlation among cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular biomarkers, and 30-day mortality post-hip fracture. Heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke was observed in 9.4%, 15.9%, and 12.0% of the patients. A total of 11,488 patients deceased within 30 days post- hip fracture, leading to overall 30-day mortality of 10.1%. In individuals with preexisting CVD, the 30-day mortality was markedly progressed. Through the local database of 355 subjects, it was discovered that 41 of them died within 30 days. For 30-day mortality, the multivariably adjusted odds ratio progressed with rising NT-proBNP and declined with elevating HDL cholesterol. A model for foretelling the chances of death based on the biochemical markers were discovered. Hence, after a hip fracture, preexisting CVD was linked to increased 30-day mortality. Moreover, high levels of NT-proBNP and low levels of HDL cholesterol were affiliated with increased 30-day mortality.
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