Histopathologic features of postablation tubal sterilization syndrome
American Journal of Surgical Pathology May 17, 2018
Butnor KJ, et al. - In order to assess the detailed descriptions of the gross pathologic findings of postablation tubal sterilization syndrome (PATSS), researchers analyzed 3 patients with a history of tubal ligation and subsequent endometrial ablation who underwent hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for pelvic pain. In all 3 cases, pathologic findings included hematosalpinx of the proximal fallopian tubes, intraluminal hemosiderotic material, mural hemosiderosis, and pseudoxanthomatous salpingitis featuring plical and mural lipofuscin-laden macrophages, along with inactive to attenuated endometrium with variable submucosal myometrial hyalinization/scarring compatible with postablative changes. The pathologic features, in conjunction with the appropriate clinicoradiologic findings, were interpreted as consistent with PATSS.
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