Histological findings of levator muscle in unilateral congenital ptosis in different age groups
Acta Ophthalmologica Nov 02, 2019
Quaranta-Leoni FM, et al. - In the present study, the researchers assessed the different degree of muscle atrophy in specimens of levator muscle of patients operated on for unilateral congenital ptosis, as related to the age of the patient. Histological analysis of the specimen of the levator muscle of 29 individuals who had a unilateral levator muscle resection under the care of one surgeon was conducted. According to the timing of surgery, the study population was divided into two different groups: group 1 included 15 children operated on at 2 to 4 years, and group 2 included 14 children operated on at 4.1 to 11 years. According to findings, myofibres found in levator muscle specimens after levator resection for congenital ptosis shows degenerative process characteristics. This research appears to show that atrophy in the levator muscle seems to be correlated with the patient's age at surgery, as atrophy seems to be more apparent in older children with congenital ptosis.
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