Hip fracture surgery performed out-of-hours- A systematic review and meta- analysis
Injury Feb 23, 2021
Kim RG, et al. - Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to ascertain the mortality risk for hip fracture surgery performed in-hours compared to out-of-hours (OH), and on weekdays compared to weekends (WE). Researchers carried out to search of MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane from the dates of inception. The study enrolled a total of 13 studies including a total of 177,090 patients. The results of this study displayed that conducting hip fracture surgery OH or on the WE does not seem to increase the risk of 30-day or inpatient mortality or post-operative complications. In addition, consideration should be given to performing hip fracture surgery out-of-hours to meet national guidelines (< 48 hours).
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