Higher probability of live-birth in high, but not normal, responders after first frozen-embryo transfer in a freeze-only cycle strategy compared to fresh-embryo transfer: A meta-analysis
Human Reproduction Jan 31, 2019
Bosdou JK, et al. - Researchers investigated the influence of the type of ovarian response on the outcome of the comparison of live birth rates between the first frozen embryo transfer (ET) (in a freeze-only cycles strategy, ie frozen ET group) and a fresh embryo transfer (fresh ET group). Performing a systematic review and meta-analysis, they identified 8 randomised controlled trials (RCTs), including 5265 patients, which evaluated the first frozen ET in a freeze-only cycle strategy vs a fresh ET either in high responders (n = 4) or in normal responders (n = 4). Outcomes reveal that high, but not normal, responders display a markedly higher probability of live birth after the first frozen ET in a freeze-only cycle strategy as compared to a fresh ET.
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