Higher postdialysis lactic acid is associated with postdialysis fatigue in maintenance of hemodialysis patients
Blood Purification Jan 29, 2020
Zu Y, et al. - Researchers undertook this single-center cross-sectional study to determine the factors accountable for postdialysis fatigue (PDF) in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients. This inquiry was performed at the Department of Blood Purification, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, and included 115 HD patients. Via questionnaires, clinical information on demographics, comorbidities, and the primary cause of end-stage renal disease was gathered. Based on the PDF degree, 3 groups of participants were defined. The PDF prevalence was estimated to be 60% (n = 69); mild PDF and severe PDF was present in 26.09% and 33.91%, respectively. In unconditional logistic regression analysis, intradialytic hypotension (IDH) occurrence, ultrafiltration rates, lower postdialysis sodium (Na) level, and higher postdialysis lactic acid (Lac) level were found to be related to PDF. Overall, findings revealed a high prevalence of PDF among the study sample. There was a correlation of PDF incidence with the IDH occurrence and higher postdialysis Lac and lower postdialysis Na levels. The significance of level of Lac was shown as an influencing factor for the fatigue of patients. Therefore, paying more attention to PDF was advised.
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