Higher dietary vitamin C intake is associated with a lower risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: A longitudinal cohort study
Clinical Nutrition Feb 07, 2019
Liu C, et al. - Using data from the ongoing Tongji Maternal and Child Health Cohort (TMCHC), researchers intended to determine if there is an association between vitamin C intake during pregnancy and lower risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Participants in the study were women with singleton pregnancy and without any history of diabetes. Data reported that 344 (11.4%) of the 3009 women were diagnosed with GDM. Findings suggested an independent association of higher dietary consumption of vitamin C during pregnancy with lower odds of GDM. It was noted that over 200 mg/day intake of dietary vitamin C can help reduce the odds of GDM. However, no such association was found between total vitamin C intake and GDM risk. In order to protect pregnant women from the development of gestational diabetes, sufficient vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C are recommended.
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