High survival rate and very low wear of lateral unicompartmental arthroplasty at long term: A case series of 54 cases at a mean follow-up of 17 years
Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 02, 2019
Deroche E, et al. - From January 1988 to October 2003, authors examined 52 candidates to ascertain the survival rate of lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) with a fixed, all-polyethylene bearing, and the polyethylene wear of the tibial implant at a minimum of 15-years follow-up. They observed that 20.5% had a surgical revision. They calculated the cumulative survival rate of 82.1% at 15 years and 79.4% at 20 years. They held the revision surgery due to the progression of osteoarthritis (87.5%), followed by aseptic loosening of the tibial component (12.5%). No radiographic loosening in the surviving implants and no revisions for wear were observed. They recorded the mean functional IKS of 66.5 ±26.8, with a mean objective score of 84.4 points ±13.2.
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