High serum IgA/C3 ratio better predicts a diagnosis of IgA nephropathy among primary glomerular nephropathy patients with proteinuria ≤ 1 g/d: An observational cross-sectional study
BMC Nephrology May 03, 2019
Gong WY, et al. - Researchers examined 1095 biopsy-diagnosed primary glomerular nephropathy patients to assess the diagnostic value of the immunoglobulin A (IgA)/C3 ratio in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) among these subjects in China. This study included 757 IgAN patients and 338 non-IgAN patients. They measured patient demographics, serum immunological indices, and other clinical assessments. The IgAN group had significantly higher IgA/C3 ratio as compared to that in the non-IgAN group, as seen in both the full cohort and propensity score matched cohort. Clear evidence was generated in this study that demonstrated the effectiveness of the IgA/C3 ratio as a predictor of IgA diagnosis, this was particularly observed in patients with proteinuria ≤1 g/d.
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