High risk in the first-trimester combined screening: Long-term outcomes of the children
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 25, 2019
Äyräs O, et al. - Researchers compared data of pregnancies with a trisomy 21 risk ≥ 1:50 in the combined first-trimester screening but normal fetal chromosomes vs of control group with a risk value ≤ 1:300 in order to enhance the accuracy of the prognosis of outcomes of euploid fetuses with an extremely high risk in the first-trimester combined screening when compared to the low-risk group. Four Hundred eighty-three women comprising 161 cases and 322 controls were included. Outcomes revealed a twofold risk for adverse outcomes among euploid fetuses with a high risk in the combined first-trimester screening when compared to those with a low risk.
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