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High re-operation and complication rates 11 years after arthrodesis of the wrist for non-inflammatory arthritis

The Bone & Joint Journal Jul 05, 2019

Reigstad O, et al. - Through a total of 76 patients, including 53 men and 23 women, with a mean age of 50 years who underwent wrist arthrodesis, the researchers assessed the complications, re-operations, and the final outcome for non-inflammatory arthritis. Sixty-five re-operations, principally correlated to the plate and screws were carried out in 46 complications. Fourteen patients described no wrist pain. The mean Quick Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand score and the mean Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation score were 36 and 40, respectively, in 63 patients who finished the questionnaires. in comparison to the contralateral forearm, grip strength, pinch strength, and pronation and supination were markedly diminished. In patients who had surgery before to the wrist and those who had complications, the outcome was worse. Hence, as complications and re-operations were observed throughout the follow-up period in this study, it was concluded that wrist arthrodesis is more complex than previously thought. Moreover, many of the patients never got habitual to or accepted their stiff wrists to report a substantial decrease in function and residual pain. Therefore, prior to wrist arthrodesis, motion-sparing surgery should be suggested.
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