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High prevalence of spinal magnetic resonance imaging findings in asymptomatic young adults (18–22 yrs) candidate to Air Force Flight

Spine Jun 06, 2019

Romeo V, et al. - The prevalence of spinal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings in asymptomatic young adults (18–22 yrs) candidate to Air Force Flight was assessed via analyzing 350 asymptomatic young adults who underwent a 3T MR examination of the entire spine. Spinal MR findings were identified in 270 of these subjects (77%) indicating a high rate of MR spinal imaging findings, similar to that of the adult population. Results thereby indicate that the process of the aging spine, which is supposed to begin in the second decade of life, is morphologically appreciable in the immediate postadolescent period. Researchers emphasize this issue as crucially significant when selecting military pilots.
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