High-fibre enteral feeding results in improved anthropometrics and favourable gastrointestinal tolerance in malnourished children with growth failure
Acta Pediatrica May 04, 2018
Kansu A, et al. - During Turkish observational study, authors discerned the usage patterns, gastrointestinal tolerance, anthropometrics and safety of high-fibre enteral feeding in malnourished children with growth failure between February 2013 and June 2015. It was observed that the percentage of patients with normal defecation frequency increased markedly from 70.3% to 92.8% at the four months to six months visit. The occurrence of adverse events was noted in 15 (4.3%) of patients. The inference drawn was that the use of a six-month high-fibre enteral feeding correlated with favourable outcomes in anthropometrics, appetite, gastrointestinal tolerance and safety in malnourished children.
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