High-dose rituximab and early remission in PLA2R1-related membranous nephropathy
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jul 31, 2019
Seitz-Polski B, Dahan K, Debiec H, et al. - Among patients with membranous nephropathy, researchers compared two rituximab protocols: two infusions of 1-g rituximab at two-week intervals, which was administered to 28 participants from the NICE cohort vs two infusions of 375 mg/m2 received at one-week interval by 27 participants from the Prospective Randomized Multicentric Open Label Study to Evaluate Rituximab Treatment for Membranous Nephropathy cohort. In this study, a higher dose rituximab protocol was found to be more effective on depletion of B-cells. Findings revealed a link between lack of epitope spreading and remission. The factors that were associated with relapses were epitope spreading at diagnosis and incomplete depletion of anti-PLA2R1 antibodies at month six.
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