High-dose rituximab and early remission in PLA2R1-related membranous nephropathy
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Aug 12, 2019
Seitz-Polski B, Dahan K, Debiec H, et al. - Using the NICE cohort and the Prospective Randomized Multicentric Open Label Study to Evaluate Rituximab Treatment for Membranous Nephropathy (GEMRITUX) cohort, researchers compared two rituximab protocols in patients with membranous nephropathy. Two infusions of 1-g rituximab at 2-week intervals was received by 28 participants from the NICE cohort. Two infusions of 375 mg/m2 at 1-week interval was given to 27 participants from the GEMRITUX cohort. Serum rituximab levels were recorded and remission at month 6 and prior to any treatment modification was compared. Findings revealed a greater efficacy of higher dose rituximab protocol on depletion of B-cells. The link between lack of epitope spreading and remission of membranous nephropathy was also evident.
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