High bond durability of universal adhesives on glass ceramics facilitated by silane pretreatment
Operative Dentistry Apr 04, 2018
Yao C, et al. - Researchers gauged the long-term efficacy of ceramic-resin bonding with universal adhesives in non-silane-pretreated and silane-pretreated modes after 10,000 cycles of thermal aging. The shear bond strength (SBS), significantly decreased and microleakage percentage increased, after the universal adhesives in the non-silane-pretreated mode were aged. On the other hand, a decrease in the SBS of Adhese Universal, Clearfil Universal Bond, and Single Bond Universal, and an increase in the microleakage percentage of all of the adhesives in the silane-pretreated mode was seen. The ceramic-resin bonding effectiveness of universal adhesives after aging was reduced by the simplified procedure of universal adhesives, and the long-term durability was improved by additional silane pretreatment.
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